
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello December!

I'm simply amazed at how fast this year has slipped by. And jaw dropped that December starts tomorrow. The snow falling outside shows December, however my work says "Please can't it still be October?"
I was just telling my hubby the other night that I had such a productive day and listed all the things I accomplished and got done! He even said, "Wow that's great!" Then the dreaded, "What do you still have to do?" Ugh, my feeling of satisfaction with the days productivity was gone after realizing what still lays ahead.
Then I got right back at it again come the next day and still had a great day. I was really excited and wrote down all the projects that are still waiting for my attention; with it in the back of my mind that I'd like to have all of my projects to my clients by Christmas.
HELLO DECEMBER!!!! I've got a lot of work to do if I'm going to get this done by Christmas. I just want all my clients to know that I'm putting in lots of hours on the computer and trying to get things out as fast as I can.

But as it never fails nothing can work perfectly, don't get my wrong, I'm very thankful for the growing business and somethings do go right but I have a lot of trials and tests that I'm put up against. We took a trip out to see my sister and family, I was actually looking forward to the 10 hour/one way drive as it'd be a great time to edit. Needless to say; I edited from Dickinson to Jamestown and accomplished 10 minutes of wedding edit. I had to restart my computer over and over because the program kept "not responding". Then on the drive back I figured I'd try it again so from Fargo to Jamestown I tried again and only got 8 minutes edited in. The worst part is those clips where pre-ceremony picture footage! So I when I got back the laptop went in for a Dr. Appointment to Smart Computers and Consulting. I'm very happy with how fast they worked on my computer and it took only a week to get it back (with it being over Thanksgiving and two days they weren't open). But the bad news was my hard drive went out. So quite a few dollars later I now have a working laptop again. My only regret is that I didn't take it in prior to the trip, because I could've completed that wedding and worked on Wedding Photos.

But after discussing turn around time with other professionals and asking brides if they have their items back from other vendors, I'm happy that I am keeping up with my turn around time as I'm not doing this 10 hours a day. When the day comes that my business has expanded enough for me to make this my main source of income, my hope then is I can get products to clients sooner.

I'm very thankful to every one who has chosen to work with me, everyone who has helped me further my business and to those clients now who are being patient in waiting for their video.
This past week I was able to finish two wedding photography sessions and mail them out to clients. I will put up pictures after things are caught up.
I'm sacrificing my updates on the website and this blog a bit, to help me get a little ahead on the editing. After January, you'll be seeing more of my writing, photos and videos than you'll probably want to :)

Have a great evening everyone and Merry Christmas!
Take time after this Thanksgiving to keep being thankful to God and telling those you love "I Love You".
Have a Blessed Christmas,

Friday, November 11, 2011

Matthew and Mindy:: Get Married

Matthew and Mindy were married on July 2, 2011 in Williston, ND. It was a really sunny warm July day filled with friends and family gathered around. I really fell in love with Mindy and Matt, which was very easy to do as they both are so down to earth. They didn't see eachother prior to the ceremony and it was so fun to watch Matt look at his new bride as she came down the aisle. While Mindy and Matt were at the front of church you could see that she took his breath away as he would look her up and down and hold her hand. Congratluations to you both and I had a great time with you on your wedding day! Thank you for choosing me to capture this special day in your life and for being my very first Williston Wedding! Thank You!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hello Again

I have been wanting to blog for the longest time now, the problem is I just haven't had the time. Every extra minute I get to be on the computer I've been either editing videos or photos.
I have so many project to get completed and even though I feel like I've been working my tail off, I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done that I'd like to.
I had to actually just now go look to see when my last post was.... 9/27/11....that is insane.
So much has happened since then and I'm thinking I'll have to overload you and update you. (The house is quiet as everyone is sleeping, so I got some time I'm going to devote to my blog readers)!!!

Lets See:
September was full of lots of good times.
I spent Labor Day weekend with the West and Fong families as Jordan and Whitney were united in Marriage in Bismarck, ND. They had a great sunny day for their wedding and lots of friends and family were there to share in their special day.

The next weekend I was all tied up in pre-wedding festivities for my little Sister Teresa and thankfully my sister Dani came home to help me get things prepared for everything. We also had the help of our Sister Nancy, Mom, Trevor's family and our wonderful Aunts who came early just to see if they could help!
We had a fabulous time with a Bridal Shower in the afternoon and continued with the Bachelorette party in the evening! It was so much fun and I was so happy to have gotten to spend this time with our family, friends and meet more of my soon to be Brother-in-laws family!

Then September 17, 2011we were off to McClusky, where our good Friend Travis married Melissa. The hubby and I took the weekend off to attend the wedding and work it as well. We were double shooting that day, doing video and photos. I started the day of with Melissa who was such a calm and excited bride and when I finally saw Travis, he was the happiest I had ever seen him, that is until he kissed his bride ;) Nothing could contain that happiness. We had such a wonderful time with our friends as well.
Here are a few photos from our day spent in McClusky:

Then I think I had a weekend off (pretty bad that I can't remember, huh) and then it was WEDDING TIME again!!!!!!
The final week of September was crazy busy with the preparations for my little sisters wedding. My Sis Teresa got married on Friday, September 30th and it all started on Tuesday! Tuesday we ran to Bismarck to pick up my older sister Dani and her family. It was such a wonderful thing to have her, my brother in law and my nephew here with us for almost and entire week. Wednesday was the start of decorating the Hettinger Armory and we managed to turned a gym into a beautiful reception! Thanks to the help of our Mom, my soon to be Brother in law Trevor and his Family!
We also had the talented Reyne Schaefer there decorating for us as well. Reyne really knows how to dazzle up a reception hall and does such a fantastic job!!!
Here is a photo I took at the end of our day on Wednesday and actually it was the early morning hours of Thursday!

After the two days of decorating we were able to spend the day Friday getting ready and getting Teresa & Trevor hitched. It was such a wonderful time to have us all home and such a great pleasure to officially have Tr in our family!
Here is a photo of us girls, the family and the wedding party which infludes my beautiful daughter K, who was a flower girl!