I wanted to take a few moments to send my well wishes during the Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas to you and your families and all the best the New Year can offer you.
It has been super busy around the Erickson Household as we've been in the Holiday Bustle and also working extra hours for both the Hubby and I; trying to get things caught up.
I grabbed the previous post to copy and past the post-processing edit list; however I'm so super excited to announce that those are now all done as I just finished up Justin and Tonya's photography! Yeah!!!!!!
But to give you an idea of where things are sitting here is an updated list:
Justin & Tonya ~ *just finished*
Justin & Tonya (video)
Amber & Brandon (video)
Kayla & Brett ~ *sneak peek sent*
Kayla & Brett (video)
Tonya & Cody ~ *sneak peek sent*
Lucas & Sasha ~ *sneak peek sent*
Senior: Kara
I will be working on Productions through the end of the week and weekend. Then as a heads up; the office will be closed January 1-10 for vacation and then I'll be back at it and hopefully finishing up the final weddings in the next two months :)
Happy New Year Everyone and as I've said before thank you for your business and helping it to be a wonderful success in 2012!!!!