I was really excited when I woke up and it was a beautiful day! Now the mission started: Give Thanks to the Lord for the gorgeous day, get to Juanita and take as many pictures as we can! I arrived at the hotel where I was greeted by Juanita and her mother Jolene. If you know Juanita, you understand exactly what I’m talking about, she is a rare gem and every bone in her body cares about people. I met Jolene and bridesmaids, Hollie & Steph for the first time and I already knew it was going to be a very fun day!
Juanita’s flowers had two birthstones on them for the kids.
Juanita’s surprise for Brent was Minnesota Twins included around the wedding and décor.
Stephanie, Hollie, Juanita & Jolene – Toasting to the Bride & Groom
I love the beauty of the country and it makes a tremendous photo!
K, came upstairs tonight and had to see what Momma was doing. She looked at the above picture and says, “What a beautiful bride, who’s gonna marry her?” I love that little girl! I think we’re definitely going to be in for it when she gets married 
Juanita was so open to any suggestions I had and I love how these turned out.
Steph, Juanita’s Bridesmaid, was really good at making us laugh! This is such a genuine giggle I couldn’t resist showing you!
I hope you enjoy the first sneak peek and there are more coming soon. I'll be working on these photos over the next few days/week!
Have a Blessed Day