
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Juanita + Brent:: Sneak Peek

The forecast was calling for thunderstorms, being the weather geek at heart that I am; I had to check into it further. Every weather model I looked at was showing the chance for precipitation. The question was, “When will the storm pass through?”
I was really excited when I woke up and it was a beautiful day! Now the mission started: Give Thanks to the Lord for the gorgeous day, get to Juanita and take as many pictures as we can! I arrived at the hotel where I was greeted by Juanita and her mother Jolene. If you know Juanita, you understand exactly what I’m talking about, she is a rare gem and every bone in her body cares about people. I met Jolene and bridesmaids, Hollie & Steph for the first time and I already knew it was going to be a very fun day!
Juanita’s flowers had two birthstones on them for the kids.
Juanita’s surprise for Brent was Minnesota Twins included around the wedding and décor.
Stephanie, Hollie, Juanita & Jolene – Toasting to the Bride & Groom
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I love the beauty of the country and it makes a tremendous photo!

K, came upstairs tonight and had to see what Momma was doing. She looked at the above picture and says, “What a beautiful bride, who’s gonna marry her?” I love that little girl! I think we’re definitely going to be in for it when she gets married Winking smile
Juanita was so open to any suggestions I had and I love how these turned out.
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Steph, Juanita’s Bridesmaid, was really good at making us laugh! This is such a genuine giggle I couldn’t resist showing you!
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I hope you enjoy the first sneak peek and there are more coming soon.
I'll be working on these photos over the next few days/week!
Have a Blessed Day

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Awaiting Cayden::Maternity

I just had a session yesterday and the photos will be uploaded to the Gallery soon but I wanted to put up a preview! Kayla is expecting the arrival of her son, Cayden, in the next couple weeks and we captured this beautiful moment! Even though she is in the final stage of pregnancy and not feeling the best, she did so well.
I have my favorites and I here is a sneak peek at them, Congratulations Kayla & family!
I'm really excited about these and I just love the sexy Mama photos.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I can wrap up the last week in one word. Oofta, yes oofta.
  1. (US, chiefly upper midwest) A mild expression of error, dismay, or concern (often in a comical sense). [quotations ▼]

This past weekend
I spent a great evening with friends on Friday night and it was so wonderful to kick back and have a great time. Saturday was the trip out to MT for Grant & Robin's wedding (see previous post) and Sunday was a wonderful Father's Day. We had a great day and spent it together as a family.
It is now the start of another week and today I started the week out with a Maternity Session. I'm really looking forward to showing you all the photos. Here is a quick little sneak peak of one:

There are more to come, I just have to call it a night at some point right?
This week I'm planning to finish up the graduation edit and then it's onto the Pavlicek wedding all while cranking out the many dub project that are on the desk.
Happy Belated Father's Day to all the fathers, I hope you all had a terrific day! I look forward to showing you all more photos of the maternity session soon!
Have a great night and sorry it's taken me a while to get back on to write.
Have a Blessed Evening ~N

Grant + Robin Gion::Wedded Bliss

Saturday was my trip to the Wedding Ceremony of Grant Gion and Robin Colbert in Richey, MT. It was a beautiful day for a wedding, a little breezy but still a wonderful warm day. Grant and Robin have so much love and passion for one another and it showed through every detail of their wedding day. They all were such a fun loving, goofy group of people and were good for quite a few laughs!
Thank you to the Colbert and Gion family for letting me be apart of this special day and Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Grant Gion!
Here are a few shots from the day:
The poses were set up by Megan Wold Photography and are still images captured by my video camera.
Megan does a terrific job shooting weddings and Robin & Grant were very fun to watch.

Gion Boys

Grant and his siblings

Robin and the boyz

Beautiful Ladies

Just a little spider swinging! Yes, you know you remember
doing this when you were younger. This is exactly what
I was talking about when I said they were a goofy/fun group!

Mr. & Mrs. Gion - Grandpa was looking sharp in his tux!

I love ring shots as you all know but the roses made this
even better. I don't know if it's the smell or the true beauty
each flower holds.

Gion Family

The Colbert Family (and Gpa Gion)

Robin right before she walked down the aisle with her father.
Grant awaiting his bride.

Robin & Grant taking their vows.

Mr. & Mrs. Grant Gion

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Grant Gion