Things have been busy here, I just met with a couple and booked their wedding on August 20th. They have booked me for photography and videography. We also just took their engagement photos this last weekend and you can see them in the previous post. David & Channing were really fun to shoot with and I look forward to working with them in a few months.
This weekend I'll be heading to Richey, MT for the wedding of Robin Colbert & Grant Gion. I am really looking forward to the day spent with them, they are both so fun, loving and passionate! They have the best Engagement photos I've seen in a while, shot by Megan Wold Photography out of Richardton, it really shows their fun side. Megan did such an amazing job as she always does and these photos are going to be so great for their memory books!
This past weekend I had the weekend 'off'; from shooting that is. I didn't have to set an alarm on Saturday and was just praying the my girls would sleep in so I could rest, I was awoke by none other than my hubby! Ugh, well after trying to make myself go to sleep I decided to get up and just get going. My house got some major TLC and then after the girls were up we headed to do some errands and shopping! I got a two other pettiskirts and I can't wait to take photos with them to show you. (we tried this weekend and I forgot to pack my top, oops) I had a great Mommy-Daughter day and Sunday it was out to the farm, we went.
My hubby wanted to load up his motorcycle to get it ready to sell and I'm always up for an afternoon with the family! The only down side was B doesn't react well to mosquito bites. She got a bite last Friday, June 4th and it's still bothering her. Now this weekend we put spray on her and she was wearing a hat, long sleeves, pants and shoes; and still got bit. She started to swell yesterday and now today she woke up with a swollen eye and one must've gotten her ankle and head because those are swollen too. We're heading into the doctor later but the poor little thing looks horrible.
I'm thankful she laid down to sleep and can get some rest, she doesn't seem too bothered by them (the ankle one is itchy but I've been putting on Benedryl) but she's not to happy that she can't see as well out of her eye.
That's what's new in the Erickson household! I'm looking forward to having Jo back this week, as my to-do list seems forever long. I was back to watching the kids 7:30-5:30 last week as she was out of town and Productions had to be put on the back burner. So if you haven't heard from me, that is why, and I'll be contacting you soon!
Now I'm going to get a few things crossed off that list...have a Blessed Day ~N
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