Oh my has time gone by since my last blog. I knew it had been some time but I'm honestly a little shocked at how much time has gone by.
I had a stressful week leading up to my vacation with the girls, but it was all completely worth it as we needed some time away. We took a trip to visit my sister and her family, K & B had their first airplane ride and they both did really well. My little B, of course, was very ready to get off that plane when we landed and she only cried from landing to getting off the plane. So it went rather smooth, I thought.
We were able to take in Minnesota Zoo, which the girls absolutely loved! This was K & B's first zoo trip and they had such a super time.
After I made it back home there was so many things that needed attention and every weekend as been booked solid, hence why I haven't blogged in FOREVER :-D
I spent the next couple of days preparing for New England's 125th Celebration and All School Reunion. I was set for having two photo sessions already for the weekend and a few people who called and were interested. We had another awesome weekend, met up with lots of classmates and met a ton of new people as well. The two family sessions went so great and it's in the bin for editing.
Then last weekend was a crazy busy weekend with the Marriage Ceremony uniting Haylee Volesky and Jayden Peters on Friday in Dickinson; then a drive to Bismarck for the Ceremony of Nicky Stevens and Gregg Kadrmas. I spent Sunday with the family trying to regroup and recharge for the work week and here I am now.
I've got quite a few irons in the fire right now and projects I'm working on include:
The wedding ceremony of Nicole & Clink Pavlicek - I'm currently editing this right now and I'm at the Homily right now. I also just finished up the Dillinger Family Pictures and those will be the next post.
If you are wondering where things are at on list here it is:
-Gumke Wedding, Glendive MT
-Gion Wedding, Richey & Glendive, MT
-Benson Wedding, Dickinson ND
-Meier Pictures
-Miller Baby Pictures
-Lutz Family Photos
-Nielson Family Photos
-Haylee & Jayden Peters Wedding, Dickinson ND
-Gregg & Nicky Kadrmas, Bismarck ND
-There are also multiple dub projects I'm working through all the editing as well.
Just to explain how I go about editing: Everything is edited in the order it was shot. If there is a time when I can edit while I've got the kids or other things are going on (multi-tasking) that is when I will work on photos and so called bump them up the list, since most of the time photo sessions do take a little less time than editing video. However when I have the afternoons and the specific times booked out for edit time, it is then back to prioritized by order it was shot.
Thank you to all my clients and I greatly appreciate everyone who I've worked with!
Have a Blessed Day and thanks for the emails to those of you who missed my blogs!
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