
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas

I'm still here and still plucking at the many projects.
I wanted to take a few moments to send my well wishes during the Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas to you and your families and all the best the New Year can offer you.

It has been super busy around the Erickson Household as we've been in the Holiday Bustle and also working extra hours for both the Hubby and I; trying to get things caught up.
I grabbed the previous post to copy and past the post-processing edit list; however I'm so super excited to announce that those are now all done as I just finished up Justin and Tonya's photography! Yeah!!!!!!

But to give you an idea of where things are sitting here is an updated list:

Justin & Tonya  ~ *just finished*
Justin & Tonya (video)
Amber & Brandon (video)
Kayla & Brett ~ *sneak peek sent*
Kayla & Brett (video)
Tonya & Cody ~ *sneak peek sent*
Lucas & Sasha ~ *sneak peek sent*

Senior: Kara

I will be working on Productions through the end of the week and weekend. Then as a heads up; the office will be closed January 1-10 for vacation and then I'll be back at it and hopefully finishing up the final weddings in the next two months :)

Happy New Year Everyone and as I've said before thank you for your business and helping it to be a wonderful success in 2012!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Post-Processing Updates

Well it sure has been a gorgeous fall, hasn't it?
We've been really busy here in the Erickson Household. We are very grateful for the growing Productions business and so thankful for our clients. Thank You all.

The end of August the Daycare business came to a close. I made so many great memories with the daycare business but September has brought all sorts of new and exciting times for us. I've now been focusing on editing and being a Mommy and Wife! Things seem to still be very busy with K being in preschool it means drop-off and pick-up; which I really do love! B has been a busy body here in the office...working on puzzles, letters, coloring.

We've been shooting solid weddings since August 25th weekend and have our first weekend off, coming up October 6th, then it's solid again through October 20th. I wanted to give everyone an idea of where I'm sitting with projects. I know everyone is anxious to see their videos and photos; so now you can keep an eye on the blog and I'll keep updating progress on them.

I am balancing between shooting, editing sneak peaks (receive 10 photos in a month, max) and completing the wedding pictures/video (up to 3-4 months). Sneak Peeks get popped in between working on a wedding, because I like the bride/groom to be able to pick some photos to use on Thank You cards, etc.

Mandy & Brad - (shipping out)
Jim & Lisa - (next to start)
Brittany & Collin
Nick and Ashley (Video)
Nick and Ashley ~ *sneak peek sent*
Jessica & Jesse ~ *sneak peek sent*
Katie & Troy ~ *sneak peek NOT DONE*
Tammy & Jeff ~ *sneak peek NOT DONE*
Justin & Tonya  ~ *sneak peek NOT DONE*
Justin & Tonya (video)

So I hope this gives you an idea of where I'm at with all the wedding pieces and thank you for your patience. I do not mind if and when you text, email or Facebook wondering where I'm at with your wedding day, but I hope this gives you a better idea.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

K + S :: Mr. & Mrs. Herrmann

 Here is a sneak peak of the wedding of Sean and Katie Herrmann.
Katie is my last sister to get married and she married Sean Herrmann on July 14, 2012 in Fergus Falls, Minn. The married at Sean's parents house and it was a gorgeous yard to be married in; providing we don't take the heat into account. Mother Nature thought it was a good idea to be a scorcher that day!
Here are a few photos from their wedding day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mr + Mrs Anderson

Here is a sneak peak of Jonathan and Kassondra Anderson's wedding pictures.
They were married Friday, July 13, 2012 in Dickinson, ND.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Friends and Smiles

These beautiful smiles light up my day more than on occassion. I love hanging out with my good Friends and are even happier when I get to capture them through the camera. We had lots of giggles and a gorgeous morning to take photos and I want to share these beautiful smiles with you...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Adam & Kimberly Becker Wedding Story

Adam and Kimberly Becker were married June 2, 2012 at United Methodist Church in Dickinson, ND. It was a beautiful summer day while friends and family gathered to witness this couple exchange vows in front of God. Congratulations to you two and thank you for choosing Erickson Productions to capture your wedding ceremony!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Morel Family Reunion

Hi Family,
Here are the photos from the Reunion.
You can see them by clicking HERE.
The link will take you to my Photography Gallery and you can view them all that way.

I am placing an order early next week, if I can get everything in that order it'd be great but I know everyone is busy and that sometimes doesn't happen. I will also place another order the first of July.

The prices below will give you an idea of the cost of the photos. If you need me to ship them to your house there will be $5.00 S&H. Those around here can pick up their orders.
Also since Katie's wedding is coming up; if you place your orders I can bring them to her wedding too. I know Lora's coming so that could be the means to get them to SD as well. So there are options.

When ordering the photos, write down the number/name under the photo and what sizes you'd like.
Eric 003: (2) sets of Wallets-E Surface
                (1)- 5x7 ES with Lustre

Gpa, Gma & Kids_1: (2) - 3.5x5 Matallic
                                   (1) - 8x10 ES wth Lustre

Any questions please call me at 701-483-7178

Sizes        E-Surface       E-Surface            Metallic 
                                        w/ Lustre Coating         or True B&W
(4) Wallets   $2.50                $2.50                  $3.00

3.5x5 photo  $2.25                $2.75                 $2.75

4x6   photo  $2.50                $2.50                   $3.00

5x7   photo  $2.50                $3.25                   $3.50

8x10  photo  $5.00                $5.76                  $5.50

Paper Types
E-Surface Paper (Matte Finish)
Kodak Professional Supra Endura VC Digital Paper (aka
Traditional E-Surface Paper) is by far our most popular You will see excellent skin-tone reproduction,
as well as brighter blues, cyans, purples, and reds.
With this paper don’t worry about prints fading. The standard archival value is 100 years in home display and 200 years in dark storage.

Lustre Coating provides a sheen that visibly enhances your prints and provides superior protection. The coating protects against fingerprints, UV rays, and typical over-spraying found in home/office environments. Lustre coating provides for a richer, enhanced sheen on prints of every size.

Metallic Paper (Pearlescent Finish)
Endura Metallic features a unique pearlescent surface. From fine art applications to special event photography and business cards, we think you will agree when we say this paper is truly spectacular.
Endura offers natural looking flesh tones, sharp details, and beautifully saturated colors. Plus, Endura is strong - resistant to tearing and curling without any additional lamination.
This paper uses a patented combination of film and laminate layers that result in striking, three- dimensional, lasting images on an ultra-bright background.
With this paper don’t worry about prints fading. The standard archival value is 100 years in home display and 200 years in dark storage.

True B&W Paper (Matte Finish)
There is a difference between B&W and true digital B&W prints! This panchromatic, resin-coated paper is specifically designed for making continuous-tone B&W prints directly from digital images in digital exposing systems.
This paper also provides excellent tone reproduction from digital camera files, scanned color slides or negatives. Because the emulsion is silver-based rather than dye-based, the imaging performance and characteristics of this paper are the same as traditional b&w continuous-tone papers. That translates to neutral tonal characteristics that provide the paper with display and archival qualities.
One added benefit is that the resin-coated paper is specially coated on the back to accept ink, making it a good surface for crop lines or writing notes.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Work in Progress

"Oh so much to do and so little time to do it"

This seems to be the motto of my life lately. Here at the Erickson household we've been making lots of changes. My business has grown and Erickson Productions has expanded our Photography portion of our business.
I'm very excited to show you this new project.

Our home is under construction! With all the thanks going to my wonderful/supportive husband, family and friends who've been helping me with the building

It is a work in progress, but I'm getting very excited!!!
Here are a few photos of our project:
The LaQua's came over to help us put the pine on the wall Chris
built, which is replacing the carpeted cement which was there.

Chris and Jer hard at work!

My lil helper ready to paint
Helping Daddy

It went on pretty bright but dried really nice.

One wall finished! Chris also got the other 3 painted in a creamy white.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rodeo Club Photos

Here are the photos I took for Rodeo Club. I know Club members will be looking to determine which one y'all will use. There are a few photos that I did a bit of editing to, just to give it a little something different.
As you're deciding and ordering please refer to the captions below the photos.
Have  a Blessed Day

Rodeo Club 1

Rodeo Club 1_Cropped
Rodeo Club 2

Rodeo Club 3_2_Peachy Urban

Rodeo Club 4_2 Rustic

Rodeo Club 5

Rodeo Club 6_5 cropped

Rodeo Club 7

Rodeo Club 8

Rodeo Club 9

Rodeo Club 10

Rodeo Club 11

NEHS Prom 2012

Here are the photos from the couples who attended Prom this year at New England Public High School. The Gymnasium was filled with Family and Friends who watched 26 couples escorted through Grand March. The order for photos has been placed, those who are still interested in prints should contact Nikki
at 483-7178.
If you have not paid for your prints, they have not been ordered  yet and will be after payment has been received. Payments can be sent to 815 11th St East, Dickinson ND 58601.

I had a wonderful time again with you all and congratulations to those seniors who will be graduating next month!