
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NEHS Prom 2012

Here are the photos from the couples who attended Prom this year at New England Public High School. The Gymnasium was filled with Family and Friends who watched 26 couples escorted through Grand March. The order for photos has been placed, those who are still interested in prints should contact Nikki
at 483-7178.
If you have not paid for your prints, they have not been ordered  yet and will be after payment has been received. Payments can be sent to 815 11th St East, Dickinson ND 58601.

I had a wonderful time again with you all and congratulations to those seniors who will be graduating next month!

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