Two months since my last post. HOLY MOLY!!!!!
I'm logging in to get to some typing in this blog and was trying to figure out what to write first. My first thought is, "well here we go, I've been wanting to do this for some time now and I'll be back at it"
well I think I did that on the last post when I realized it had been a long time since the previous one then.
Second thought "wow I really miss doing this" now I can remember really allows me to flow through and take a few minutes out of the crazy days to just reflect on all that I've done.
Now there's a ton to update you on, however it's pretty late already so I'm thinking we will do this in increments ;)
Since my last post I did finish up all video and photo weddings and large event projects. However I've got this one wedding left, my sister and brother in laws, however I keep finding other things to do.
My goal is to have it edited and back to them by the time I shoot my first wedding.
Things around my household have been CRAZY.
When I say crazy, that's exactly what I mean.
I still have 7 kids here daily and for way to long I've had no daycare helper; so the production work has had to be put on the back burner a bit or just done late at night, like tonight. (I'm uploading photos, so I'm chatting with you all while that finishes).
I'm very VERY Happy to report that I have a new employee who will be starting here after she graduates/Memorial weekend! I'm extremely excited to have her here and the kids are going to love her enthusiasm.
I'm really grateful to all of my clients, you all are such a blessing and have really made this business grow! This spring has been wonderful and I've been taking more photo sessions this spring than last.
You've been seeing quite a few sessions rolling through Facebook the past few days, because I've realized there are so many I've not uploaded. I just had a newborn session a few weeks ago and more upcoming ones in the next few weeks.
Here is a photo of Rowdy, this handsome little man came to me through his Mom seeing my work on my website. We had such a great session and her are a few of my favorite photos... (more uploads coming)
Now I'm going to hit the hay tonight, however you'll be seeing much more from me in the next few days. I've got a super big announcement to share, but I'm going to keep you in suspense for the time being. I just noticed it's 10:58pm and my 2 yr old just came out of her room.
Good Night, Have a Wonderful Day and Be Back Soon