
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello August

Well what a week it has been! Plus I'm having a hard time believe the first week of August has come and gone now! I'm actually shocked, this year seems to be zooming by!
Well I haven't blogged much lately because honestly things have been a bit insane. My daycare helper, Jo, is gone for 3 weeks. She is getting married this weekend and so she was back in her home town getting things prepared and then her and the new hubby will take a Honeymoon! So yeah for them, but phew is it exhausting trying to keep up with my editing like I have been though. Which is why I haven't been able to blog and inform you all of what's changing here in the land of Erickson Productions.
(but on a side note, the first week back to full days with kids went really well...but I am very happy today was Friday :D)

- - I upgraded myself into the land of a Mac. I'm not a smart tech person so it's taking some time to get to know this machine! Like for instance, (I'm actually giggling as I'm typing this because it really makes me feels dumb but hey you could probably use a good laugh) I needed to burn a dvd with images on it from a maternity session and I stuck the dvd in, nothing happened, then it took me about 3-5 minutes to figure out how to get the disc out (it's the desktop/ all in one mac), I get the disc out flip it and then sit there and tried to decide where to move the files and how to get them on the disc, I was clicking all sorts of things and moving things into a different folder and finally I found out where to do it. You might be thinking that's not so bad, but it took me I think close to 15 minutes just to get them onto a DVD.  Now the problem is the disc got created  but I've got (I think) around 6 more discs to create and mail out to clients and they just haven't gotten done because I haven't taken the time to spend another hopefully only 10 minutes this time to figure out what I did before! I'll admit it, I feel like my mother (and I only say that because she always calls me for help on computers or any electronic and then gets irritated at me because I do it and she doesn't follow - so by that I mean I feel behind) LOL :D

- - I did manage to have a very productive week though, which I'm very very happy about!
With all the chaos in the house I did finish Clint & Nicole Pavlicek's wedding and just tonight I finished the highlight video. I've got the highlight uploading as we speak (or as I type) and as soon as that is completed the highlight will be put at the end of DVD2 (reception) and then I just have to make the DVD menu, render it out (which will take all night) then make the 3 DVD copies and it's completed!!!! Yippppeeeeeee (I'm doing imaginary cartwheels, in case you were wondering :D)

- - This week I also edited the sessions of the Lutz Family and Nielsen Family. The Nielsen Family session is uploaded and you can see that by going to my Gallery. The Lutz Family session is uploading right now on my Mac and hasn't finished yet but those will be completed by the morning!
Now just to get them onto DVDs!

- - Last week, I also had my first 2012 Senior Session with Kari and I also had the Wedding of Henry & Alyssa! Pictures will be coming soon of those, after I finish the photos from Brent & Juanita's wedding.

Well I think that is enough chatting from me, I'm glad I've got uploads going like crazy right now and it gave me a quick minute to blog!!!!
There is an estimated 10 minutes left on the Pavlicek wedding video and around 20 minutes left on the Lutz Family Photo session; so those will be coming soon! I'm going to take this 10-20 minutes to run around and get things set up, charged up and organized for all the photo sessions this weekend! I have two sessions Saturday and right now three sessions Sunday! Praise the Lord!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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