
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Busy as a Bee

This has been quite a crazy week here for us, but best thing of all is I feel very productive at the end of the day. B came down with pink eye so I had to close daycare on Tuesday and now my week just feels so messed up!
Thankfully I sat down again last night to prioritize my projects and  it hit me that it's already Thursday, time to start preparing, charging batteries and getting equipment ready for Nicole and Clint's wedding this Saturday!
This week I was able to fight through the computer issues that have presented themselves and finish up the Rebel/Lausch Wedding! The wedding is rendering out right now and when it finishes my goal is to get the highlight rendered and uploaded to the internet, so look for that later today!

Last night I had two invite orders picked up and I was so excited about them both, they turned out so great.
Today I'll completely finish the Rebel/Lausch wedding and I'm so excited to call Jackie to tell her it is completed. Then it's on to finishing NE's prom and to edit the Hlebechuk wedding, all while trying to get some video dubs done as well...I'm just very happy my computer/software/equipment is now working well!
I just thought I'd give you all a quick little update and I pray you all have a Blessed Day,

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