Good Afternoon,Today I've realized it has been a day full of F's, my tasks, things I've heard and things I have to do!
FINALIZE/FINISH:The day started out quite early back at editing, that today I'll be finishing the first discs of the Lausch Wedding and then it will be (as far as editing ease) a nice downward slide for disc two....I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am to give this to Jackie and Corey, they have been so very patient with all my computer issues and so understanding. YIPPPEEE!!!
FRYING: I spent the morning hours frying hamburger today, getting ready for K's 3rd Birthday Party on Sunday! I'm serving BBQ's, I truely love anything I can do earlier and just have to get the crockpot on in the morning.
FOLDING LAUNDRY: If you know me, you know how much I despise folding laundry. Plus with Daycare I end up do a lot of wash/dry cycles and then fold all in one sitting. Today nap time was folding laundry and most of it will get done tonight after the girls are sleeping. I now do it on my bed because folding once is bad enough and I'm not such a fan of my little 'helpers' un-folding them for me.
FINDING: I am and have been looking for my tracfone. My little booger (B) loves 'talking' on phones. I remember finding it in the girls' room and picking up, but whether I put it somewhere or someone found it again, I DON'T know where it is....The phone has 9 days left on the contract before all minutes are lost, etc so I'm trying to find it. I spent a good portion of the morning looking for it which also brings me to my next 'F'.
FEBREEZE: Since I am moving furniture and vacuuming while looking for the phone, I pulled out the bottle of Febreeze! Mmmmmmm......I really love the smell of "spring renewal" it is my FAVORITE! I'm pretty sure the clean smell and the freshenss it was giving me truely helped me to keep looking and cleaning. I got a few rooms done but still haven't found the darn thing!
FABULOUS: What a beautiful day today! The kids were enjoying some great outside time while I was cleaning the downstairs walkout basement. It was hard to clean up that room but I still got to play out there with them too and we did a ton of swinging! Which brings me to the next 'F'.
FLY HIGH: Whenever we swing on the playset, K is always saying, "Mommy, push me high. Make me fly high like Super Goof" (for those of you without young children, there is a Mickey Mouse
Clubhouse Super Goof Episode) This always puts a smile on my face.
FOOD: Tonight I have a Daycare Appreciation Dinner and Continuing Education class and the hubby is breeding our cattle tonight and tomorrow, which is why after the daycare kids leave I'll be doing the next two 'Fs' of my day.
FLAT IRON: I'm sorta looking forward to fixing myself up and getting out of the house and most of all having a little bit of "Mommy-Time".
FRIENDS: K & B are heading to a friends house tonight and K has been talking nonstop about going to their house tonight. She gets so excited, doesn't even want to take a nap because she's too excited.
I hope you all enjoyed the "F's" of my day and get to enjoy this beautiful SUNSHINE!
Have a Blessed Day,
1 comment:
Blog looks great! Keep up the excellent writing :) Glad that things are going well for you. Baby T is getting adjusted to Ranch life quite nicely, we are about settled into our 'rented' house for the summer and getting aquainted with ranching! I know that he misses you and the girls!
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