I feel there is nothing more relaxing than a rainy day!
I Love everything about rain:
~ Tthe smell is so fresh and so clean, it is just such a wonderful thing to smell and sends a relaxing feeling throughout my body.
~The look of rain is so peaceful and how it clean off the streets, leaves the grass glistening and watching it fall from heaven is just so beautiful.
~The feeling of rain and how the soft drops will fall and hit your skin
~How it makes us feel relaxed and tired, puts my children to sleep and helps them sleep for a long time, oh wait that does benefit me a bit more ;-)
~My favorite part of rain, which doesn't always accompany it is the sound of thunder. I absolutely LOVE thunder and how mother nature can produce this amazing sound. I also love the rumble and how it rattles my house a bit.
This morning we had the first of many thunderclouds roll through and I'm ready for a productive day!
This week the final touches on the Lausch DVDs will be put on and we'll be mailing that out to Jackie & Corey who are really excited to see their video! We'll be starting on our next video project and getting ready for Nicole & Clint's wedding! I hope you have a wonderful wedding week and I'm really excited to share in your day, Saturday!
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