Friday might have very well been the longest day, I woke up with a sore throat which lead to some head congestion and not feeling so great! Thankfully the hubby offered to take K&B down to the farm with him so I could get some things done or even 'take a nap' which is what he told me to do.
"Time to myself!!!!" "What should I do?"; these are all things that ran through my head after he left. I pondered all the things I'd like to do, "Rent a movie and relax, Read a book and relax, go to bed early, have a beer!" The problem is, I'm a bit too much like my mother and when there are things to do it is way to hard to sit and relax; I'd drive myself nuts thinking of all the things I should be doing.
So I got up, and started to get things done. My computer was working hard on making the DVD for the Lausch wedding, so I decided to run some errands, first stop the grocery store.
We hae K's 3rd Birthday this weekend and so the to-do list is even LONGER (if that's humanly possible) I picked up just a few things and mainly went because I had to pick up more of K's meds at the pharmacy. While I was there I ran into a friend of mine who also was child free, grocery shopping. After talking to R for awhile I realized that most mom's are alike, we'll prioritize our to-do lists and when we don't have our kids, we'll start with the tasks that would be most difficult with them along.
I proceeded to get the final errands ran at Wal-Mart, which I can't even begin to tell you how fast that trip went without the girls 'wanting' to go through the toy aisles.
I've come to realize that I do need a bit more 'Nikki' time, not always being Mommy! So FYI, if you are one of my babysitters; I'm going to be calling you more often!
You would be proud of me though, after the errands I did have a drink, took a hotbath, wrapped up K' birthday gift and was in bed before eleven! So I did manage to treat myself to a little R&R!
Although, now this morning my body/mind was saying it's time to get up at 5:30am! What in the world!!! I do not like mornings, never have and probably never will. I do not like seeing a 6 on my alarm clock, but 5 is just ridiculous! I rolled over to see hubby was already gone to the farm and tried to make myself go back to bed....BUT just then the darn head started running again! So I'm up and at them, started the day out with a Mtn Dew, made my priority to-do list for the day and we're off!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies out there! Being a Mom requires you wear a ton of different hats: Wife, Caregiver, Baker/Chef, House Cleaner, Accountant, Dr (fixing boo-boos), Wardrobe Stylus, Shopper, List Maker, Organizer, Planner and so so much more. Being a Mommy can be challenging but is also very rewarding!
May you all have a Blessed Weekend and Happy Mother's Day,
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