My house has come down with what I'm starting to feel like is a never-ending cold. I am very thankful that I'm not near as bad as my hubby but the Dr. (me) of the house is really wearing out and the head congestion could really go away. K and B are in the cough stage of the cold but are now sleeping through the night. Yahoo!
It has now been a while since I last posted, all energy remaining has been put towards editing and ordering new products. A huge thanks to Jo, her help in the afternoons has really allowed me to focus and sit down at a project for more than 20 minutes at a time. It's down right amazing to me how productive I can be when I can give all my focus to a project, instead of just evenings.
Last week I finished up the NEHS Prom DVD's, got them to Mr. Fritz to take to NE, then this weekend we attended Graduation and took photos and video of the nine NEHS graduating seniors.
This week my attention is directed towards the Hlebechuk wedding, this is my final of patient couples! Then weddings will be caught up and I'll be on course again for the edit time to be where I want it. I am now editing the the vows and making sure the details are where they need to be.
I of course had a shift in one of the cameras (like I said, "I can't ever get something done the first time, always have to fix") and yesterday quit out of frustration. Now today I'm back at it and the transitions are rendering right now and it looks like I'm back to where I need to be. Todays goal would be to finish up the first disc so it can render and make the DVDs through the night, I'M SO EXCITED!!!
I'm going to get back to editing this project as my Ms. Jo is here keeping the kids occupied.
I'll be back later today to let you know about my new purchases and also the other project I've been working out...I know keeping you in suspense. Actually, I just want to get back to editing this project (I gotta keep up with my goals I've set :D )
Have a great morning!
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