Today starts the first of many posts to come! It is the first of May and I have been trying to think of a way to keep in my clients more informed of events going on and the progress of current projects. I've now found it, blogging!!!
I am a pretty organized person and lately I've been putting more time into my organizing and trying to get things on the correct path. By this I mean prioritizing! I have always been a list person; make a list, rearrange the list and give myself a final copy to I know the things that have to be done first. As my business has been growing, it has meant more projects and more clients.
So I have bought myself and iPod, which I can't even begin to tell you all how excited I am to have an organizer again. I used to have a Palm Pilot in college and I LOVED it now I'm in love again. I do like electronic devices though! I'm pretty happy that I don't have to worry about my lists anymore and I'm even more excited that I don't have to worry about remembering things, my new little friend does it all for me and reminds me of upcoming tasks!!!
Now if I could just find a way to stop time during the day so I could get all the projects done, I'd be even happier! So if anyone figures this out please let me know and I big Thank You in advance :)
I am so greatful to everyone who has trusted me and has chosen to let me capture their special moment, whether it be a wedding day, a birthday, photos of their children and family or even designing invites for them! Thank You so very much!
My biggest thank you is extending out to my two very patient brides! Thank you for your understanding, as I work on editing your weddings.
For everyone who doesn't know I've had the worst luck the past two months with my computer software working with me! I've gone through two software crashes and I have lost the same wedding TWICE! My frustration has taken me through Geek Squad for help and also a local computer business for help, plus my Mother and Mother-in-law have been helping out the kids so I can focus on editing this wedding. As any project, the longer it takes to complete one, the longer it takes to start on the other; so this makes my second bride an Angel for understanding as well. Thank You Thank You and again Thank You!
Right now I'm waiting for my software to render out the video and it's just about finishing up! With that I leave you tonight, have a wonderful evening and WELCOME to my blog!
Thank you all for your support you've shown me! It is so greatly appreciated, Nikki
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