
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Family Pictures:: LaQua

I had the pleasure of taking photos with our good friends, we had a lot of fun and best of all the kids all enjoyed playing while we were taking the individual shots. My hubby is now going to fix my lights downstairs to make it easier to shoot in, which I'm always greatful for his help! I think this project at least will get checked off the honey-do-list :)

Here are a few shots from our session:

Hailey was off to the side of me taking pictures of her sister and Emily was looking at her
camera so I told Hailey to step in and take some shots! They were giggling so much!

We do have a cute little smile of him but his silly face was too funny not to post.

Hailey is such a cheeseball! She loved the letters and playing peek-a-boo.

Miss Emily took such cute pictures with her letters.

Tiff told me they haven't had pictures taken of them two since
their wedding. We got a ton of fun ones but here's one of our poses.

"Family:: Mom, Dad, Brother, Twins"
"We  Love Our Brother"

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