
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your time spent on this site and also enjoy all the video and photos you see. I try to keep things as updated as I can but sometimes being a Mommy, Wife and trying to edit; will snag me away for a bit! Thanks for Visiting and your welcome back anytime! ~Nikki

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~ * ~ * ~ * Spring Giveaway * ~ * ~ * ~

The Spring Giveaway is here!
We are Jumping into June and you can WIN one of two photo sessions!

To Enter:

Entry #1 Leave a comment as your 1st entry in the comment section below. {Be sure to leave a valid email address in case you are the winner!}
Entry #2 {Bonus} – Visit Erickson Productions Page on Facebook and “LIKE” the fan page, leave some love and then come back and tell us you did by leaving your 2nd entry in the comment section below. If you're already a fan leave some love.
Entry #3 {Bonus} – Become a follower of Nikki Erickson Productions and tell us you did by leaving your 3rd entry in the comment section below. { You can choose to follow on the home page}
Entry #4 {Bonus} – Share a link to this blog post on your Facebook Fan Page or Profile Page.  Be sure to tag “Erickson Productions” in the post by using the @ symbol before typing it {you will know it worked if it turns blue} and then come back and tell us you did by leaving a link to your page and your 4th entry in the comment section below.
The Fine Print:

- The EP Giveaway starts on Tuesday May 31st and ends on Wednesday June 8th at 11:59pm MST.
- The winners will be chosen via Random.org.
- The winners will be announced here, on the blog, on Thursday June 9th.
- Should the winner not claim their prize by Friday June 20th another winner will be drawn.
- This giveaway is not endorsed, sponsored or associated with Facebook in any way.
- Photos can be of family photos, baby pictures, newborn photos, maternity shots, individuals, etc.
- Session is a one hour session and will be in studio, outdoors or on location (within Dickinson).
- Senior Sessions and Weddings are excluded from this prize.
- You receive a one hour photo session and two 5x7's; additional prints may be purchased bu all images are copyrighted.


Kitty said...

You are doing such an awesome job with your blogging,thw website and all. Keep it up.

Amy said...

Hey Nikki, It's time for Brayden's two year photos and you're just the gal for the job! We will have to talk soon! amyanton@live.com

Amy said...

I'm now your fan on Facebook! I never even thought about checking out some of your pics there. They look GREAT! amyanton@live.com

Amy said...

And I am a follower to! Can't wait to get some updates on the Biz and keep my eyes posted for any special promos! amyanton@live.com

Jules said...

Entry 1: I'm loving the blog and I love reading everything you write! Keeping my fingers crossed ~ Julie

Jules said...

Entry 2: I'm now a fan of EP on facebook! Julie

Jules said...

Entry 3: I'm now going to be a follower of your blog, I really like reading your posts. Really puts a bright spot in my day.

Jules said...

Entry 4: I shared your facebook page on my facebook profile, recommneding you to friends and I also copied in your blog webaddress into my facebook profile to share with my friends ~ Julie

Amy said...

I got the blog link posted on my Facebook so I hope it gets more peeps to the sight to check out your work! I'm not sure how to leave you a link to my page so you will just have to check me out as a fan now that I am set up for that to :) I will give you a call to get scheduled for Brayden's pics! Maybe I could even win the free session ~ We shall see. We will have to get together soon! amyanton@live.com

melissa said...

I love your pictures! You do such a great job! Melissarustan@pureromance.com

melissa said...

Entry 2 done :)

melissa said...

Entry 3 done :) this is kind offun. Like a scavenger hunt lol

Juanita said...

hey nikki! i can't wait until the wedding day! we should chat soon ...possibly make a plan B in case of rain ????
hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather!!!!

Spider Lady said...

You take awesome photos. Keep up the great work!

Spider Lady said...

I left some love on FB as Meg Covert

Spider Lady said...

Follower of your blog now!

melissa said...

Entry 4 done! I hope I win!

tbuckelk said...

You are on! I am all about the FREE stuff...so here is my entry number one!

tbuckelk said...

Here's my entry #2. I liked you on FB!

tbuckelk said...

Entry #4 complete! But how do I link you to my Facebook page? You'll just need to go check it out. :)

tbuckelk said...

I have been a leader most of my life....but on this occasion I am officially a "follower" just for my entry #3. :)~